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  • OEM Sciwisdom ไซวิสดอม
  • OEM Sciwisdom ไซวิสดอม
  • SciWisdom 01 resize
  • OEM Sciwisdom ไซวิสดอม
  • OEM Sciwisdom ไซวิสดอม
SCIWISDOM.COM ติดต่อผ่านไลน์ (Contact SCIWISDOM by LINE Application)

For customers who is considering to request for OEM with SciWisdom (Science Wisdom Co., Ltd.), please kindly find more detail and contract information as below.
In case you have any question, please contact us directly from below:
TEL: (66) 02-005-6732
LINE ID: @sciwisdom
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Estimated Research and Development Expenses:
Formula development cost = 3,000 baht / formula. (Pay only for new formula. If you want to order to produce the original formula or the formula that have been developed previously then the research and development cost is free of charge)

By formula development, we will send 100 grams of samples (either 2 samples * 50 grams or 3 samples * 30 grams or as both parties agreed) to the customers to select and fill out a form. Send it back together with the contract of work, documents that will be used to register the Thailand FDA.

1) If the customer is not satisfied with the sample sent by our company to choose, the customer can ask for formula adjustment. The formula adjustment will be free for one more time, but if still not satisfied with the formula There will be an additional charge of 3,000 baht / recipe (will get 100 grams of sample quantity and 2 more free formula revisions).

2) If the customer cannot conclude the formula and there is no actual production order within 30 days from the date our company sends the sample, then our company reserves the right not to refund or return for other products in any case.
The next order to produce the same product, the customer must always provide the following information.
- Notification number of the product to be manufactured
- FDA Client ID of the employer